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DAILY BLOG: Callum White (Percussion) writes........


After arriving in London last night we had the opportunity for a morning off. The Canadian sun decided to finally come out and it turned to out to be a really nice day!  Many of the band took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep or to go to the mall to take advantage of the exchange rate and the local sales.  For me and the other bandsmen I was billeting with (Ed Mylechreest, Dan Robson & Dave Taylor) we were taken to an activity centre and had the chance to go in a baseball batting cage and go up against a (rather fast!) pitching machine. It’s fair to say that some of us faired better than others with Dan hitting 10 out of the 12 balls he faced and I came out with a cut and bruised hand!  We also had the chance to do some go-karting (which I won!) and mini golf (at which we were all beaten by the billets kids who were aged 9 & 11.)  After all enjoying our time off we met at the hall to set up and share in a workshop with some members of London Citadel band.  This was led by our tour bandmaster Andrew Blyth. The main focus for our workshop was the first movement of Leslie Condon’s ‘Easter Glory’. This was very insightful for both the London Band and BCB as it gave us the opportunity to hear in more depth Andrew’s thoughts behind  the music and the bible passages and song words associated with it. The depth of Andrew’s knowledge of this piece was quite remarkable and it will no doubt give the band a fresh outlook on the piece for tonights concert. 


After the workshop we again had the chance to share in bible study with the London Band led our exec officer, Lt. Col. Anthony Cotterill.  All week, Anthony has taken us on a journey through the Easter story and we have looked at each day of holy week in great depth. For me it’s been great to re-learn some parts of the easter story from a different perspective and also learn many, many new things about what happened in holy week. 


After sharing in some lovely food, some members of the band made the most of the first class facilities at the corps in London and showed some pictures and videos of the week using apple TV. It was great to be reminded of some of the great times of fun and laughter on this tour. 


We now look forward to our final concert on the tour. I’m sure God has His hand firmly placed on everything we will do tonight as He has done throughout the tour. I’m positive it will be a very powerful night of worship and music making!


We entered fairly packed hall to a very receptive applause to begin our concert. We kicked off as we have done for many of our concerts with Peter Grahams march ‘The Ambassadors’ accompanied by some pictures and videos of Birmingham and also the history of the band. After an introduction from London Citadel Bandmaster John Lam. Gavin Lamplough took to the platform to play Norman Bearcroft’s ‘Song of Exaltation’. Gav gave another great performance of this work with the testimony and meaning of the words ‘if ever I love thee, my Jesus tis now’ really coming through in his playing. The first half also featured Mark Sharman playing Terry Camsay’s ‘This I Know’. Our easter section of the programme was well recieved again with Lt. Col. Anthony Cotterill giving another clear and well thought out easter message in between the playing of ‘Written in Red’ and ‘Easter Glory’. We finished the first half with the singing of ‘In Christ Alone’ which was sung very heartily by the congregation and the words meant so much more being as it is Easter weekend. 


The second half began in familiar style, with the quintet piping up with ‘Just a Closer Walk’. Deputy BM Mark Sharman was making some interesting noises in this piece due to some members of the band surrounding him and putting him off! We then moved on to the thanks which saw Andrew presenting John Lam with a framed photo of the stain glass windows that are housed in Birmingham Citadel. This was then followed by John returning the gesture and BCB receiving a replica of the stain glass window that hangs in their hall in London. John was then invited to conduct the band in the march ‘Rosehill’. 


Highlights of the second half included David Taylor’s playing of Peter Grahams euphonium solo ‘Brillante’ and the band playing of the music from ‘The Crimson Tide’. Assistant band sec. Alex Pearce testified to the fact that he has become a changed man since he began to put his trust completely in the Lord for everything from his home, to work and his up coming marriage. 


The final ‘big’ piece of our tour was Paul Sharman’s ‘Psalm of Thanks’. This was very well received by the congregation and the band took yet another standing ovation before filtering in the congregation to play ‘The Irish Blessing’.  The band received great feedback yet again and we retuned to out billets, safe in the knowledge that Sunday was most definitely coming!



The Ambassadors

Hymn Tune Arrangement - Colne

Cornet Solo - Song of Exultation

Shine Down

Trombone Solo - This I Know

Written in Red

Easter Glory

Congregational Song - In Christ Alone




Just a Closer Walk


Euphonium Solo - Brillante

Horn Solo - Demelza

The Crimson Tide

A Psalm of Thanks

Three Kings Swing

An Irish Blessing

Bible Study

Saturday 23 April

Easter Saturday – 

Preparation Day - a day of mourning

Luke 23 vv50-56

John 19 vv38 -42

The picture today initially is a strange one! In black and white and reduced in size it may not immediately be obvious that we are placed inside the tomb – Christ lies dead, wrapped in the shroud and linen cloths, cocoon-like.



There in the ground His body lay,

Light of the world by darkness slain:

Please read the above verses to give the background to what happened on Saturday. Probably the most striking thing is – not a lot happened! But remember – what day of the week is it? In Jewish tradition it is of course the Sabbath – the day of rest – the last day of the week. Check out Genesis 2 vv2-3. Can you see any parallels 


There is great sadness and mourning – but whilst it is Saturday – Sunday is comn’! Something is going to be moving in that tomb very soon. Whilst Christ’s death is seen and understood as substitution (He took my place), sacrifice (The lamb that was slain) and as a ransom (Jesus came down my ransom to be; he took the guilty sinner’s place – and I am free) – there is one more piece to this amazing act about to quite literally unfold.


On Palm Sunday we revisited that wonderful prayer from Ephesians. Please read Ephesians 3 vv 14-21 and if you have not done so may underline the words which speak of power, strength and infilling.



Now go back to Ephesians 1 and possibly do a SPACEPETS exercise of verses 15-23


What is it that Paul is praying for his readers? What is it that is your prayer? Do you see any echoes of Bartimaeus (v18)? What was/is it that we would have said to the question Jesus asked of Bartimaeus –‘What do you want me to do for you?’


Whatever is our need it can be delivered because of the power of God – Paul says vv19 and 20 that the power available to us is ‘like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms’


If that is not good enough go on to read Ephesians 2 vv1-10.


Initially it puts us back in the tomb – but a personal Sunday resurrection experience is there and this passage explains why and how you might like to write some of that out opposite!



Look where the Christian is now seated (v6). What does that mean is beneath your feet? (look back to 1v20-21). That is where victory lies for us. Satan beneath our feet because of what Christ has done for us.


Precious Jesus, O to love thee!

O to know that thou art mine!

Jesus all my heart I give thee

If thou wilt but make it thine


Lo, a new creation dawning!

Lo, I rise to life divine!

In my soul and Easter morning;

I am Christ’s and Christ is mine.


Sunday’s comin’

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