Daily Blog: Martyn Pearce (Principal Baritone) writes....
A 9.00am gathering at the Barrie Salvation Army hall to set up for a 10.30am Good Friday service. A near capacity expectant congregation listened as BCB played some prelude music before being welcomed by the Barrie CO.
The band then played William Himes ‘Procession to Covenant”. Special mention should be made here of two things. First of all the passion and responsiveness of the Barrie congregation to all that went on and also to Karen Farmer and Matthew and David Mynott for the way they prepared and presented the story of the first Easter from the perspective of characters who were there. Between these the band sang, ‘Were you there?’ The band’s further contribution to the meeting was ‘Written in Red’. Anthony again, as he has done right through the tour, presented the Good Friday message in a first class way. Although there was a rather obscure reference to the Womens Liberation movement of the 1960’s, Anthony spoke on the Covenant we have with God and left us with the words, He gets our lives that end in death, We get His life that ends in eternity!! What a message Anthony brought, so strongly delivered and touched us all.
The meeting ended with the congregation singing with the band, ‘There is a Redeemer’. Following the end of the meeting we quickly put everything away into the coach and van, we were given a packed lunch to eat on the long 4 hour journey to Sarnia for an evening concert.
On arrival at Sarnia the band undertook a session when many band members shared feedback and their own experiences of the tour so far. This was a time of spiritual upliftment and was a time of great togetherness for the band.
There then followed yet another enormous tea/supper provided by the local corps.
Before going into the festival we were addressed by a local who told us that one of his forefathers had been sent by William Booth to commence the work in Birmingham. Having no money they went to a local cafe and prayed that they would receive money so that they could eat. The owner of the establishment agreed to a free meal. This owner was to become the first Bandmaster of Birmingham Citadel!!
We walked into the festival to another full hall and the start was delayed by a standing ovation. A further delay was caused by Bandmaster Andrew Blyth not having a baton! A deputation was sent out to retrieve the stated implement. A hugely responsive crowd delighted in the solos presented by Gavin, David, Mark and Neil. As always they were presented to the highest possible standard.
Anthony again brought the word in his own inimitable way and also a challenging testimony from Gavin will last with us for some time.
Mention must be made of how well the sales of CD’s are going. No one else has mentioned it so worth reiterating we are in a position of nearly selling out with one night to go. Remarkable work by everyone involved.
We had to pack away again and move to our hosts in London. Great to hear from our coach driver John of how much he has enjoyed being with us and counts us all as friends.
The Ambassadors
Power of the Cross
Cornet Solo: Song of Exultation
Procession to Covenant
The Crimson Tide
Cong. Song - Love Lifted Me
Euphonium Solo: Brillante
Just a Closer Walk
Shine Down
Trombone Solo: This I Know
Horn Solo: Over the Rainbow
Band Song: Were You There?
Easter Glory
Irish Blessing
Bible Study
Thursday 21 April
Maundy Thursday
Last Supper
John 13 vv1-17
Maundy Thursday marks four significant events in Holy Week – it commemorates the washing of the disciples feet, the last supper, the agony of Christ in the garden of Gethsemane and although we looked at it yesterday – it is the day that Judas betrayed Jesus. The word ‘Maundy’ actually comes from the Latin word 'Mandatum' meaning commandment.
We have seen already that there is a lot of ‘well known teaching’ that is given in Holy Week. It is pretty crucial, I think we would all agree, to know what, in the opinion of Jesus is the greatest commandment! You can read it in Matthew 22vv34-40
Now on the evening before his death Jesus gives a new commandment – it is sometimes called the hallmark of Christianity and it makes further sense of our study yesterday. Check out John 13v34 and 35 (especially!)
To consider
‘As I have loved you’ what does that mean? How was that shown? Now would be a good time to read John 13 vv1-17! See how this is reflected in Philippians 2vv1-11. Servanthood was his nature – he just didn’t model it – he couldn’t help it! (Did you see the face of Jesus reflected in the basin?)
Note the description of Jesus in vv13 and 14 and his agreement!
Six times in the Lord’s supper discourse Jesus tells the disciples what they should be doing for ‘one another’ John 13 v14 and v34 (twice); John 15 vv12 and 17 – soon he was going to show them the ultimate expression of love. It is helpful to recall the context in which these events of his story – were being played out.
What was the feast and supper they were celebrating (John13v1)? To appreciate Good Friday deeply we need to understand Exodus 12vv 1-11 and then John 1 vv29. The Blood of this Lamb would be the means of salvation for the world. A new covenant (agreement/testament) was being made by God and Jesus explained his death by likening his blood to the wine poured out and his body to the bread, broken for us (Luke 22vv14-20).
So let us learn how to serve and in our lives enthrone him;
Each other’s needs to prefer for it is Christ we're serving.
My life must be Christ’s broken bread, my love his out poured wine, a cup o’erfilled, a table spread beneath his name and sign, that other souls refreshed and fed may share his life through mine.
Would you know the peace that Jesus gives? Would you know the joy he bestows? Would you know the strength the sinner receives when his heart the blood o’erflows? Come, without delaying, let us go where the precious fountain springs that can make the sinner white as snow, removing all his sins!