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Daily Blog


So an early start this morning - 9 15am to play pre-meeting music followed by the meeting at 9 30. We are learning as a band that you cannot be late starting in Switzerland with everything very precise. The morning meeting at Zurich Central was led by both the their corps officer and our own Steve White speaking about the body of Christ. There were interesting moments as we listened in German waiting to know if it was the congregational song that was next. 


A nice moment was for the band to listen and join with their corps worship group and then singing in our own languages 'We're coming back to the heart of worship'. The bands own contribution included 'I'm in his hands', 'Churchbury', 'Amazing Grace' and an arrangement of the songsters song 'We are the body of Christ'.


Having been well fed again at the corps, including a rather

BCB at Bern

tasty chocolate pudding we embarked on the coach to the capital city of Switzerland, Bern.


A fantastic evening at Bern started with their own corps band presenting a short programme.  


It was a full hall and very appreciative audience as the playing of our band included 'Make his praise glorious', ' Skydance', 'Corpus Christi' and 'Everlasting hope' as well as great solo items from Neil Blessett, Mark Sharman, Rob Hayward and Dave Taylor (that piece seems to be getting quicker with each performance!). We also had our first outing of a rather large Cuckoo, a traditional Swiss tune performed by Edward Dixon in a more humorous manner. There were standing ovations at the end of the night with the William Tell Overture and a very happy audience on their way out. We look forward to another good day tomorrow.


Matthew Mynott
Bible Study
The body of Christ
READ: Ephesians 4:1-6
Unity in the body


One of the challenges of living a life in Christ is that we are immediately joined with other people who are also ‘in Christ’. For the loners amongst you there is no ‘going it alone’ or living in isolation.  How difficult can it really be to get along with other people who are also united in Christ? It may be tougher than you think …for there will be times we might not find  it easy to connect with or even like other members of the body. 


It has been said:

Unity is not a general spirit of friendliness or camaraderie nor is it some common aim or a series of aims, it is the product of the cross and God’s work in Christ. 


Whilst Christ brings us together in a spirit of unity Paul is very mindful of our human weaknesses and gives us some useful tips on how to get along.


Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves with peace.


Although we might share a common bond through our relationship with Christ this does not prevent our human frailties from rearing their ugly heads from time to time. Conflict is inevitable and is the greatest challenge to unity in the body of Christ.

If we are going to achieve unity we must work to maintain unity of the Spirit binding ourselves with peace.




What part of today’s reading challenged you? 

(It can be a verse, a phrase or just a word)


What is God saying to you through this passage?




How are you going to live differently because of what God is saying to you?

Give thanks for someone who has encouraged or inspired you in the body of Christ.

What are the conflicts you need to resolve so you can keep yourself united in the Spirit? 

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