Daily Blog
The alarms started to wake us all at the very unearthly hour of 4.30am! The hotel was very accommodating laying on breakfast from 5am, although not all of us quite made it. Mad panic ensued from around 5.20am when we suddenly realised that we had to board the tram to the airport at 5.27am. Unfortunately one of our baritone players didn't quite make it and had to be escorted to the airport a little later by his son!!!!!
Our rushing was in vain, however, as when we arrived at the airport there was a problem with the computer systems. Three lovely check-in ladies lovingly hand wrote each and every boarding pass for us and two men in fetching pink shirts helped label up the luggage. Much to the delight of the other passengers on our plane they did hold the flight for us!!!
Most of the band moved smoothly through security although one or two were
checked very thoroughly!!! Eventually we made it to the plane and had to walk with apologetic faces up the aisle past the patiently waiting fellow passengers. By the time the coffee and croissant was served we were making our descent to a rather damp Birmingham airport. Amazingly, we didn't have to wait too long for our luggage and were soon greeted by lots friends and family including Graham Hinsley who was ready with a warm handshake for everyone.
It was then off home, not forgetting Rob and Ian who were still in the van driving across Europe (thanks guys), for a nice “cuppa tea”!
Many special memories have been made during our time away. Some funny, some strange, some slightly crazy but most of all, memories to last. A massive thank you to Gavin, Stuart and all the band team for all their hard work. It's been fab!